Department of Mathematics (UG & PG)
Bishnupur is recognized as a 'Temple City' in West Bengal. It was named by the name of 'Lord Bishnu'. Once it was known as 'Bon-Bishnupur'. The area was surrounded by forests. It produces a lot of excellency. They were famous in different fields namely, Culture, Music, and 'Bishnupur Gharana' etc. The nobel personalities were Gopeswar Bandyopadhyay, Jadu Bhatta and Ganendra Goswami etc. In the seventeen century Malla Rajas ruled Bishnupur. During Malla Raja's period, education did not reach the common sector. To spread education in the common people, some noble hearted men thought to set up schools and colleges in the locality. In 1879, a school named 'Bishnupur High School' was established. After a few decades Ramananda College was set up on 1st day of July in the year 1945. Firstly, there was no College Building in the town. Classes were taken in the building of Ramnalini Chakraborty who was a social worker of Bishnupur town. He denoted huge land of College building and playground for the College.

In the begining only Arts stream was introduced in the College. The Governing Body (G.B) of the College felt the necessity of opening science stream in the College. With their sincere efforts I.Sc course was started in 1946. In the year 1948, B.Sc (Pass Course) was opened. After a few years the G.B of the College deeply perceived that the students have a great interest in learning Mathematics. For this reason they persuaded the University to bring forth Mathematics Honours Course in this College. In 1962, B.Sc. Honours course in Mathematics had started in full swing in our College. In 1962, B.Sc. Honours course in Mathematics had started in full swing in our College. Mathematics plays a vital role in pure science. In the year 2017, M.Sc course in Mathematics has started in the department under the Bankura University. Also the Credit Base Choice System (CBCS) with semester has started under the Bankura University since 2017.
Mathematic is a part and parcel to describe many physical phenomena. Development of mathematical models and structures induce the development of science. Most of the physical concepts solely depend on mathematical concepts. Without sufficient knowledge in mathematics a student of science stream cannot achieve a great success. After the establishment of the Department of Mathematics, the faculty members have paid their sincere efforts to uplift the knowledge of Mathematics among the students. As a result, since the inception of the Honours course, the progress of the students of Mathematics Department have been satisfactory. These results have enriched our Department as well as the College. The faculty members also convey their heartiest thanks to the predecessor teachers for their remarkable teaching ability as well as their sincerity.
Ramananda College was established in the 1st day of the July in the year 1945. The College has offered wit I.Sc Course in 1946. In 1948, B.Sc Pass Course had been introduced in the College. After a few years the Governing Body of the College realised the interest of the students for studying Honors Course in this College. As a consequence, B.Sc. Honours Course in Mathematics was started in the year 1962.

Before the establishment of the University of Burdwan (B.U), the College was affiliated under the University of Calcutta. In 1960, the B.U was set up and all the Colleges of Bankura, Purulia, Birbhum etc. took their affiliation under B.U. At present the college has affiliated under the Bankura University (BKU), Bankura, since 2017.
The Department has four sanctioned permanent posts in faculty positions. At present there are two permanent faculty members. Three guest teachers has been appointed against these vacant posts to bear some load.
In this connection, it should be noted that Ex-teachers of the Department served very successfully and their contributions to the College and the Department were highly appreciable.In brief,
Year of establishment of Honours and General Course:
1948(B.Sc Pass Course)
1962(B.Sc Honours Course)
2017(M.Sc Course)
Affiliating University
Bankura University, Bankura, West Bengal.
Programme offered (then and now)
M.Sc, B.Sc Honours and General Course in Mathematics.
Full time post (sanctioned and vacant)
Sanctioned -04 Vacant-00
Mathematics plays a vital role in each group in our daily life. When a person goes for marketing he has to keep accounts with the help of Mathematics. Whole commercial pattern resets on account that is based on Mathematics.
Different types of Mathematical concepts have been taken part in Computer Science, Information Technology and Internet System. To analyze statistical data different types of distributions are required. Mathematics is the study of structures, mapping and invariants in broad sense. Structures are algebraic, linear and topological both. Without topological structures on spaces continuity mapping is not defined. Continuous mapping has an important role in Mathematics. Existence of algebraic structures mainly group theory has been included in Physics, Chemistry and Quantum Mechanics even in Genetic Science. It is a part and parcel to describe many physical phenomena. Most of the physical derivations solely depend on Mathematical calculations. Mathematics is used as tools of Science. It is said that 'Mathematics is the Mother of Science'. So in each educational system it is necessary to set up a Mathematics Department for learning Mathematics.
Once Bishnupur was a remote area. There was no formal education in this locality. After the establishment of the College, it was realized that learning of Mathematics is very essential for the students of the College. It was also observed that there was no scope to study Mathematics nearby Bishnupur. So the Governing Body of the College took the decision to provide Mathematics College. As a result, the I.Sc. With Mathematics combination was introduced in 1946 and present position is reached gradually step by step.
Class Room:
The departmental classes are mainly held at the Room No. 12 (Mathematics Seminar Room ) and Room No. 13 for Honours classes and at Room No. 63 for General classes) and Room No. 44,46 for M.Sc classes in the main College building.
Staff Room:
The department has a separate room for teachers and the departmental library. The total build up area 44.59 sq.m.
Computer Laboratory:
The department has its own PC based Computer Laboratory for Numerical Practical Classes and C programming classes. But there are eleven computers in the Departmental Laboratory.
Laboratory Facilities:
Department has its own PC based Computer laboratory for Numerical Practical classes. But there is only three computers in the Departmental Laboratory at present and therefore most of the practical classes are held at the Departmental Computer Lab of the College.

Regular Assessment
The Department monitor overall performance of the students through regular assesment. The mode of assessment are given below:
1.Class room interaction through Question-Answer method
2.Oral Examinations
3.Home Assignments.
4.Class tests.
5.Seminar by students in presence of teachers at the M.Sc and B.Sc Honors final Semester Level.
6.Analysis of students progress based on their performance.
7. Mentoring
Library Facilities:
Department has its own Library with strength about 65 books. Some of these books are denoted by the Faculty of the department. There is no separate room for the Departmental Library but the arrangement is made in staff room of the Department.
Question Banks:
The Department has a question Bank that contains model question in different topics. Also the previous year question s are available in the department.
1.The Department has organized a seminar on ‘Some Approaches in Mathematical Discipline’ held on 19th March, 2012.
2.The Department has organized a National Seminar on ‘Recent Approaches of Mathematical Science in Advancement of Biotechnology’held on 28th March, 2018.

The students and the teachers of the Department have been actively participated in different extension activities organized by the College.
The Department of Mathematics has a rich tradition of organizing various extracurricular activities in which all students participate actively. The students of the Department organize Fresher’s welcome and Farewell ceremony every year and also a small cultural function is arranged on the same day. In every year the department publish the Wall Magazine. The Department also organize the Outreach Programme, and in every year the Educational Excursion is organized by the Department.

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Now a days it is a vital question regarding relation between student and teacher. Due to deep respect and loyalty they are able to gather immense knowledge. Later, the relations deteriorated. At present education it is a commodity. Various types of private schools and colleges have been established in this country. Students have to pay much amount of money for getting education. Naturally relation between students and the Governing systems become not upto the mark.

In spite of this, our College is a exceptional unit. In our department the relation between students and teachers are very hearty. The faculty members are very cautious to maintain a good relation with the students.
- Dr. Biranjan Bose (Ex Principal, PRMS College, Pirolgari More, Jamboni, Bankura- 722150)
- Dr. Bidyut Kr. Pal, Reader in Mathematics, Kalyani Govt. Engg. College., W.B
- Dr. Md. Hassan, Reader in Mathematics, Vidyasagar College, W.B.
- Prof. Shadev Nandi, SGL, Bankura Christian College, W.B
- Prof. S. Bhattacharya, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
- Dr. Arun kumar Jalan, Asstt. Prof. In Mathematics, MCKV Institute of Engineering, Howrah.
- Prof. Prativa Ranjan Dey, lecturer in Mathematics, Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering, Bankura, W.B.
- Prof. Haradhan Kundu, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Mathematics, Bankura Zilla Saradamani Mahila Mahavidyapith,
- Gargi Pan (Teacher MIT, Bishnupur)
- Sandip Samanta (School Teacher )
- Swati Mukharjee (School Teacher)
- Sumit Paul (TCS, Kolkata)
- Bhairab Karmakar (High School Teacher)
- Sandip Nandi (High School Teacher)
- Mritunjoy Mondal (High School Teacher)
- Pravas Kumar Sen (Bengal Institute of Engineering , Durgapur)
- Sriddheswar Kundu (Research Scholar)
At present the department is continuing three courses namely M.Sc, B.Sc(Hons.) in Mathmatics and B.Sc(Gen.) with Mathematics as a combination subjects. The faculty members are earnestly interested to the following items:
1.To bring out minor research project in Pure and Applied Mathematics.
2.To organize seminar in International level.
3.To enrich sufficient no. of books at Departmental library and central library.
4. To install a required number of Computers in the Departmental Computer Laboratory.
5.To enrich sufficient no. of class room at Departmental.
6. We are trying to arrange an Workshop on Mathematics.
7. We are requesting to college authority for a smart room, it is very essential for PG as well as UG course.